New Year's Resolutions for the Pharmacist

Most of the time, the New Year ushers in thoughts of dropping 15-20 lbs and signing up for a few road races.  No, not to race, but just to finish.  This year, I have been much more introspective thinking about life and career and all the above.  Maybe some of these pharmacy related resolutions will be similar to yours.

  1. Begin studying for another certification.  I am heavily learning toward the BCNSP.  I am in no hurry because quite honestly, there is no reason professionally to obtain.  I would just accomplish something that has interested me in the past.  I used to work for a home infusion company and there was a pharmacist (JB) who was quite fabulous.  I am sure he still is today, but I noticed he has this designation and is probably running circles around most in the area when it comes to nutrition.  It is quite an in-depth topic from enteral to parenteral nutrition, and I am predicting another 1-2 year study.  I have purchased the material and have started though not nearly as much gusto as the BCPS so far.  If you are not certified, consider it.  IT MATTERS.
  2. Stop worrying about what other pharmacists think about you.  You cannot live your professional life trying to beat out or outsmart the guy/gal next to you.  Yes, you may be in fact more qualified and more experienced, but you cannot control how a company decides to utilize your experience or knowledge.  Perhaps a position in a different area will open up and any type of learning on the side you have pursued will open doors!?  Sometimes it is just timing and sometimes just sheer luck.  In the meantime, focus on being a better pharmacist.  Focus on remaining competitive and the go-to person for all things current.  If you keep up with the current practice and move forward, the people who win are your patients.
  3. Look to the future.  Prepare for the future so that when it happens, you will be ready to step right into the role without any problems.

Those are my resolutions for pharmacy this year.  I hope 2014 holds many wonderful things for you in your career whether it is pursuing a board certification or attending an update to begin the process to do more for your patients than last year.
