The Perfect Medical Model
/I have been doing a lot of thinking lately in regards to my career. I am still in waiting mode about the BCPS exam, but in the meantime have spent some time making lists of how pharmacists are utilized and even on a smaller level within pharmacy departments. You see, it is tough being on this side of a career. I guess you could say I'm in the middle in regards to time and experience. I have been a pharmacist now for thirteen years.
I have watched, usually with protest unfortunately, as pharmacists are labeled and grouped depending on different criteria. Back in 1999, it was about having a residency in order to be a "clinical" pharmacist. That is still the case today except in the smaller hospital where residency trained pharmacists aren't in supply. Other criteria is used at that point.
In a perfect medical model, especially in the small hospital, I think it would be beneficial if the physician handled diagnoses, testing, and collaborated with the clinical pharmacist for treatment. It is fairly obvious when you study the medical school curriculum that the focus is on diagnosis. Yes, it is important to know what we are treating, but it does no good if you throwing ertapenem at pseudomonas or if you are dosing vancomycin at 1 gm every 12 hours in a young obese man for MRSA.
Hospitals really should consider encouraging all their pharmacists, especially PharmDs to learn the material that the BCPS requires. It has seriously helped me in the past several months personally. It is worth the investment of money and time and makes a FABULOUS resume' builder.
And in the end, it's about the patient receiving the best care possible. Wouldn't a collaboration encourage that?
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